Tuesday 6 November 2012

Sunny's Bar to Reopen Soon

When Hurricane Sandy hit, Sunny's Bar in Red Hook was in its direct path. Few, if any New York bars, are closer to the waterfront or sit upon such a high water table.

Sure enough, the old tavern—run today by the great-grandson of the founder—was slammed. But it won't stay bowed for long. A message on the bar's website tells us:
Sunny's is sadly closed due to Hurricane Sandy (or superstorm Sandy, however the news wants to call it.) We took on about 2 feet of water above the basemant. It's been great to have the love and hard labor of those who have come to Red Hook to help out and it is greatly appreciated from all of us who live here. We are hoping to be back in business by next Friday or Saturday. Keep checking in to see any updates. And if you want to help Red Hook please check in with the Red Hook Initiative 402 Van Brunt St. They are organizing relief. We'll be back. All of us. And more importantly The Rockaways, Breezy Point and Staten Island can still use much help. We are hurt but OK in the grand scheme of things, so please try to devote your attention to those who need it most.

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